Meet Dr. Ientile

Dr. Michelle Ientile is originally from Kauai, Hawai’i, where her love for animals started at a young age. She worked with the island's famed national geographic veterinarian Dr. Scott Sims throughout her young adult life

She attended University of Hawaii at Hilo where she received her Bachelors Degree in Animal & Veterinary Sciences. She then earned her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine from Oklahoma State University College of Veterinary Medicine and pursued advanced training through an equine veterinary internship at Brazos Valley Equine Hospital in Salado, Texas. After her internship, she worked as an associated veterinarian at a referral Equine hospital in Texas. She now has moved back home and established Kaua’i Equine Veterinary Services, a mobile equine practice based in Kauai, Hawai’i.

Dr. Michelle Ientile is a proficient and versatile equine veterinarian who provides services that encompass all aspects of equine practice. She has a special interest in equine sports medicine and lameness and is committed to improving equine performance and promoting the longevity of horse's athletic careers.

Beyond her professional endeavors, Dr. Michelle Ientile enjoys traveling and spending quality time with her fiancé, Andrew. You can find them during their time off riding their two young horses or at the beach!